Estrada de Ferro Santos a Jundiaí
This railroad was the main link between São Paulo highlands and the Santos
harbour for almost one century and played a vital role for the Brazilian
coffee-based economy during the end of the XIX and the beginning of the XX
century. From 1866 to 1946 it was an English company, the São Paulo
Railway. The Brazilian Federal government took over the company that year and
its name was changed to Estrada de Ferro Santos a Jundiaí. It was one
of the railroads that formed the Rede
Ferroviária Federal Sociedade Anônima - R.F.F.S.A. in 1957. Since
1997 it is part of a private-owned company,
M.R.S. Logística, which now includes this railroad, the wide gauge
network of the former E.F. Central do Brasil and
the so-called Ferrovia do Aço (The Steel Railroad).
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Other sites about the E.F. Santos a Jundiaí:

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Last Update: 30 January 2002
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© Antonio Augusto Gorni