A Budd Rail Diesel Car of the E.F. Central do Brasil, called Litorina or Automotriz in Brazil. Such cars were used, with great success, as express trains between São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro during the sixties; these trains normally were composed by three RDC's. Apparently this photo was taken in May 1974; just at that time, the RDC's were replaced by the Trem Húngaro (the Hungarian train), unit trains built by GANZ-MAVAG, in Budapest, Hungary. The RDC's were out of commercial service during the seventies, but were used for transportation of the employees of the Companhia Siderúrgica Paulista, in Cubatão SP, between 1982-1984, in the section Santos-Piaçaguera. Ironically, the Trem Húngaro was also used for this purpose between 1978 and 1982; this section was very plain, so its delicate motors could bear the load... In the early nineties, the Budd RDC cars were used for commercial passenger transportation between Juiz de Fora and Santos Dumont, in the Minas Gerais state; this section belongs to the former Linha do Centro (Center Line) of the E.F. Central do Brasil. This photo is courtesy of Marcus Vinícius Pastorin Costa Rego, from Curitiba, PR.

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© Antonio Augusto Gorni