Companhia Guarujá
This railway was built in the end of the XIX century to provide comfortable transportation of
tourists to the the beautiful Pitangueiras beach in the town of Guarujá, Santo Amaro island.
The trip began in the Santos harbour, where small boats transported passengers to the small port
of Itapema, in the other side of the channel. The Companhia Guarujá linked this harbor to the
Pitangueiras beach, where there was a great luxury hotel at this time. In the mid-1920s the railway
was electrified, receiving a steeple-cab locomotive and tramways. However this road was not
profitable. Losses increased as cars became more usual and the municipal governament took over
the railway soon after its electrification. Finally it was scrapped in the late fifties. Its
electric rolling stock was then transferred to the E.F. Campos do Jordão.
The steeple cab locomotive was put out of use in the early seventies, but the tramways work up
to now there.
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Other sites about the Companhia Guarujá:

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Last Update: 20 February 2005
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© Antonio Augusto Gorni