BIRTH PLAN for Julie Wright & David Parsons' baby

In December 1999, we had our first baby at Providence Portland Medical Center with the same doctor and doula we plan to have at this birth. We used a very similar birth plan to this one and were very happy with the entire experience and with the care we received from everyone!

Who Will Be There During Labor and Delivery

David Parsons (my husband), Ginny Potter (our doula), Dr. Kerry Callahan (our doctor), and of course hospital nurse(s). It is possible we would want to have David's parents (Roger & Metta Parsons) and/or our 2-year-old son, Russell Parsons, in the room at some point, but please ask us first before allowing them or any other visitors in during labor & birth.

Labor and Pain Management

o strongly prefer to avoid induction

o probably would prefer to avoid AROM

o if water breaks before active labor starts, would prefer to wait as long as is medically reasonable to let it start without internal exams, induction, or other medical measures

o prefer intermittent fetal monitoring, and as little as possible

o plan on no pain medications--please don't offer them; I can ask if I need them

o planned techniques to reduce pain during labor: position changes as wanted, relaxation techniques, massage from doula & partner, music (our own), vocalizing, Jacuzzi if possible, birthing ball, possibly other similar techniques

o want access to fluids unless there is a medical reason to restrict them

o might prefer dimmed lights & own clothes


o prefer to be able to pick and change position

o prefer not to be rushed on pushing

o prefer no episiotomy--limited (e.g. 2nd degree) natural tearing preferable

o perineal massage would be good

o if possible, want David (partner) to catch baby as his/her body is delivered and be the one to cut the cord

o want baby placed on me as soon as possible

Infant Care

o please explain all procedures taken with baby

o please wipe down baby, but prefer that he/she not be thoroughly bathed immediately

o if reasonable, please delay erithromycin, vitamin K, etc. till after we have some bonding time with baby

o if boy, no circumcision

o want baby with us as much as possible

o breastmilk only for baby (no formula, sugar water, pacifiers, artificial nipples, etc.)

Postpartum Care for Julie

o local anaesthesia for any stitches would be good

o ice packs great!

o would like a lactation consultant to check baby's latch-on, etc.