This picture astonishing ressembles a photogram of an Italian neorealist movie! Companhia Paulista workers at Garça station are loading a freight car with food and other supplies for the people of Caraguatatuba. In March 17-18, 1967 tropical storms caused a massive landslide in the Serra do Mar mountains that almost destroyed that city at the São Paulo state seashore. The message in the board placed in the car says "From the People of Garça to the Brothers of Caraguatatuba - 25 March 1967". This train run from Adamantina thru Jundiaí, along Companhia Paulista lines, stopping at every station and collecting donations. According to former Companhia Paulista workers thousands of people came to each station to contribute. Photo kindly sent by Kleber Henrique, from Garça SP.

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© Antonio Augusto Gorni