This is one of the Japanese Toshiba electric multiple unit trains delivered to E.F. Sorocabana in the late fifties. They were used in the São Paulo commuter lines of that railroad, between São Paulo (Júlio Prestes station)-Mayrink and São Paulo-Jurubatuba. They were replaced by stainless steel trains during the late seventies in the main commuter lines, but were kept in some secondary lines which still have only metric gauge. Some of them were revamped into the so known Rio Claro version, that were also used in the Baixada Santista non-electrified lines as the T.I.M. - Trem Intermunicipal ("InterCity Train"). They were hauled by diesel-electric locomotives in that segment. This photo was kindly sent by Alberto Henrique del Bianco, from Indaiatuba SP.

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