/* * fs primitives to simplify talking to both dos and OS/2 */ #include /* * get the current system date & time */ USHORT APIENTRY DosGetDateTime(PDATETIME pdatetime) { struct dd_t { unsigned char dday; unsigned char dmonth; unsigned int dyear; unsigned char dayofweek; } date; struct tt_t { unsigned char hour; unsigned char minute; unsigned char second; unsigned char hsecond; } time; _dos_gettime((struct dostime_t*)&time); _dos_getdate((struct dosdate_t*)&date); pdatetime->hours = time.hour; pdatetime->minutes = time.minute; pdatetime->seconds = time.second; pdatetime->hundredths = time.hsecond; pdatetime->day = date.dday; pdatetime->month = date.dmonth; pdatetime->year = date.dyear; pdatetime->weekday = date.dayofweek; return 0; } /* fsQstime */