/* * linux/fs/pipe.c * * Copyright (C) 1991, 1992 Linus Torvalds */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include /* We don't use the head/tail construction any more. Now we use the start/len*/ /* construction providing full use of PIPE_BUF (multiple of PAGE_SIZE) */ /* Florian Coosmann (FGC) ^ current = 1 */ /* Additionally, we now use locking technique. This prevents race condition */ /* in case of paging and multiple read/write on the same pipe. (FGC) */ static int pipe_read(struct inode * inode, struct file * filp, char * buf, int count) { int chars = 0, size = 0, read = 0; char *pipebuf; if (filp->f_flags & O_NONBLOCK) { if (PIPE_LOCK(*inode)) return -EAGAIN; if (PIPE_EMPTY(*inode)) if (PIPE_WRITERS(*inode)) return -EAGAIN; else return 0; } else while (PIPE_EMPTY(*inode) || PIPE_LOCK(*inode)) { if (PIPE_EMPTY(*inode)) { if (!PIPE_WRITERS(*inode)) return 0; } if (current->signal & ~current->blocked) return -ERESTARTSYS; interruptible_sleep_on(&PIPE_WAIT(*inode)); } PIPE_LOCK(*inode)++; while (count>0 && (size = PIPE_SIZE(*inode))) { chars = PIPE_MAX_RCHUNK(*inode); if (chars > count) chars = count; if (chars > size) chars = size; read += chars; pipebuf = PIPE_BASE(*inode)+PIPE_START(*inode); PIPE_START(*inode) += chars; PIPE_START(*inode) &= (PIPE_BUF-1); PIPE_LEN(*inode) -= chars; count -= chars; memcpy_tofs(buf, pipebuf, chars ); buf += chars; } PIPE_LOCK(*inode)--; wake_up_interruptible(&PIPE_WAIT(*inode)); if (read) return read; if (PIPE_WRITERS(*inode)) return -EAGAIN; return 0; } static int pipe_write(struct inode * inode, struct file * filp, char * buf, int count) { int chars = 0, free = 0, written = 0; char *pipebuf; if (!PIPE_READERS(*inode)) { /* no readers */ send_sig(SIGPIPE,current,0); return -EPIPE; } /* if count <= PIPE_BUF, we have to make it atomic */ if (count <= PIPE_BUF) free = count; else free = 1; /* can't do it atomically, wait for any free space */ while (count>0) { while ((PIPE_FREE(*inode) < free) || PIPE_LOCK(*inode)) { if (!PIPE_READERS(*inode)) { /* no readers */ send_sig(SIGPIPE,current,0); return written? :-EPIPE; } if (current->signal & ~current->blocked) return written? :-ERESTARTSYS; if (filp->f_flags & O_NONBLOCK) return written? :-EAGAIN; interruptible_sleep_on(&PIPE_WAIT(*inode)); } PIPE_LOCK(*inode)++; while (count>0 && (free = PIPE_FREE(*inode))) { chars = PIPE_MAX_WCHUNK(*inode); if (chars > count) chars = count; if (chars > free) chars = free; pipebuf = PIPE_BASE(*inode)+PIPE_END(*inode); written += chars; PIPE_LEN(*inode) += chars; count -= chars; memcpy_fromfs(pipebuf, buf, chars ); buf += chars; } PIPE_LOCK(*inode)--; wake_up_interruptible(&PIPE_WAIT(*inode)); free = 1; } return written; } static int pipe_lseek(struct inode * inode, struct file * file, off_t offset, int orig) { return -ESPIPE; } static int pipe_readdir(struct inode * inode, struct file * file, struct dirent * de, int count) { return -ENOTDIR; } static int bad_pipe_rw(struct inode * inode, struct file * filp, char * buf, int count) { return -EBADF; } static int pipe_ioctl(struct inode *pino, struct file * filp, unsigned int cmd, unsigned long arg) { int error; switch (cmd) { case FIONREAD: error = verify_area(VERIFY_WRITE, (void *) arg,4); if (!error) put_fs_long(PIPE_SIZE(*pino),(unsigned long *) arg); return error; default: return -EINVAL; } } static int pipe_select(struct inode * inode, struct file * filp, int sel_type, select_table * wait) { switch (sel_type) { case SEL_IN: if (!PIPE_EMPTY(*inode) || !PIPE_WRITERS(*inode)) return 1; select_wait(&PIPE_WAIT(*inode), wait); return 0; case SEL_OUT: if (!PIPE_FULL(*inode) || !PIPE_READERS(*inode)) return 1; select_wait(&PIPE_WAIT(*inode), wait); return 0; case SEL_EX: if (!PIPE_READERS(*inode) || !PIPE_WRITERS(*inode)) return 1; select_wait(&inode->i_wait,wait); return 0; } return 0; } /* * Arggh. Why does SunOS have to have different select() behaviour * for pipes and fifos? Hate-Hate-Hate. See difference in SEL_IN.. */ static int fifo_select(struct inode * inode, struct file * filp, int sel_type, select_table * wait) { switch (sel_type) { case SEL_IN: if (!PIPE_EMPTY(*inode)) return 1; select_wait(&PIPE_WAIT(*inode), wait); return 0; case SEL_OUT: if (!PIPE_FULL(*inode) || !PIPE_READERS(*inode)) return 1; select_wait(&PIPE_WAIT(*inode), wait); return 0; case SEL_EX: if (!PIPE_READERS(*inode) || !PIPE_WRITERS(*inode)) return 1; select_wait(&inode->i_wait,wait); return 0; } return 0; } /* * The 'connect_xxx()' functions are needed for named pipes when * the open() code hasn't guaranteed a connection (O_NONBLOCK), * and we need to act differently until we do get a writer.. */ static int connect_read(struct inode * inode, struct file * filp, char * buf, int count) { while (!PIPE_SIZE(*inode)) { if (PIPE_WRITERS(*inode)) break; if (filp->f_flags & O_NONBLOCK) return -EAGAIN; wake_up_interruptible(& PIPE_WAIT(*inode)); if (current->signal & ~current->blocked) return -ERESTARTSYS; interruptible_sleep_on(& PIPE_WAIT(*inode)); } filp->f_op = &read_fifo_fops; return pipe_read(inode,filp,buf,count); } static int connect_select(struct inode * inode, struct file * filp, int sel_type, select_table * wait) { switch (sel_type) { case SEL_IN: if (!PIPE_EMPTY(*inode)) { filp->f_op = &read_fifo_fops; return 1; } select_wait(&PIPE_WAIT(*inode), wait); return 0; case SEL_OUT: if (!PIPE_FULL(*inode)) return 1; select_wait(&PIPE_WAIT(*inode), wait); return 0; case SEL_EX: if (!PIPE_READERS(*inode) || !PIPE_WRITERS(*inode)) return 1; select_wait(&inode->i_wait,wait); return 0; } return 0; } /* * Ok, these three routines NOW keep track of readers/writers, * Linus previously did it with inode->i_count checking. */ static void pipe_read_release(struct inode * inode, struct file * filp) { PIPE_READERS(*inode)--; wake_up_interruptible(&PIPE_WAIT(*inode)); } static void pipe_write_release(struct inode * inode, struct file * filp) { PIPE_WRITERS(*inode)--; wake_up_interruptible(&PIPE_WAIT(*inode)); } static void pipe_rdwr_release(struct inode * inode, struct file * filp) { PIPE_READERS(*inode)--; PIPE_WRITERS(*inode)--; wake_up_interruptible(&PIPE_WAIT(*inode)); } /* * The file_operations structs are not static because they * are also used in linux/fs/fifo.c to do operations on fifo's. */ struct file_operations connecting_fifo_fops = { pipe_lseek, connect_read, bad_pipe_rw, pipe_readdir, connect_select, pipe_ioctl, NULL, /* no mmap on pipes.. surprise */ NULL, /* no special open code */ pipe_read_release, NULL }; struct file_operations read_fifo_fops = { pipe_lseek, pipe_read, bad_pipe_rw, pipe_readdir, fifo_select, pipe_ioctl, NULL, /* no mmap on pipes.. surprise */ NULL, /* no special open code */ pipe_read_release, NULL }; struct file_operations write_fifo_fops = { pipe_lseek, bad_pipe_rw, pipe_write, pipe_readdir, fifo_select, pipe_ioctl, NULL, /* mmap */ NULL, /* no special open code */ pipe_write_release, NULL }; struct file_operations rdwr_fifo_fops = { pipe_lseek, pipe_read, pipe_write, pipe_readdir, fifo_select, pipe_ioctl, NULL, /* mmap */ NULL, /* no special open code */ pipe_rdwr_release, NULL }; struct file_operations read_pipe_fops = { pipe_lseek, pipe_read, bad_pipe_rw, pipe_readdir, pipe_select, pipe_ioctl, NULL, /* no mmap on pipes.. surprise */ NULL, /* no special open code */ pipe_read_release, NULL }; struct file_operations write_pipe_fops = { pipe_lseek, bad_pipe_rw, pipe_write, pipe_readdir, pipe_select, pipe_ioctl, NULL, /* mmap */ NULL, /* no special open code */ pipe_write_release, NULL }; struct file_operations rdwr_pipe_fops = { pipe_lseek, pipe_read, pipe_write, pipe_readdir, pipe_select, pipe_ioctl, NULL, /* mmap */ NULL, /* no special open code */ pipe_rdwr_release, NULL }; struct inode_operations pipe_inode_operations = { &rdwr_pipe_fops, NULL, /* create */ NULL, /* lookup */ NULL, /* link */ NULL, /* unlink */ NULL, /* symlink */ NULL, /* mkdir */ NULL, /* rmdir */ NULL, /* mknod */ NULL, /* rename */ NULL, /* readlink */ NULL, /* follow_link */ NULL, /* bmap */ NULL, /* truncate */ NULL /* permission */ }; asmlinkage int sys_pipe(unsigned long * fildes) { struct inode * inode; struct file * f[2]; int fd[2]; int i,j; j = verify_area(VERIFY_WRITE,fildes,8); if (j) return j; for(j=0 ; j<2 ; j++) if (!(f[j] = get_empty_filp())) break; if (j==1) f[0]->f_count--; if (j<2) return -ENFILE; j=0; for(i=0;j<2 && irlim[RLIMIT_NOFILE].rlim_cur;i++) if (!current->files->fd[i]) { current->files->fd[ fd[j]=i ] = f[j]; j++; } if (j==1) current->files->fd[fd[0]]=NULL; if (j<2) { f[0]->f_count--; f[1]->f_count--; return -EMFILE; } if (!(inode=get_pipe_inode())) { current->files->fd[fd[0]] = NULL; current->files->fd[fd[1]] = NULL; f[0]->f_count--; f[1]->f_count--; return -ENFILE; } f[0]->f_inode = f[1]->f_inode = inode; f[0]->f_pos = f[1]->f_pos = 0; f[0]->f_flags = O_RDONLY; f[0]->f_op = &read_pipe_fops; f[0]->f_mode = 1; /* read */ f[1]->f_flags = O_WRONLY; f[1]->f_op = &write_pipe_fops; f[1]->f_mode = 2; /* write */ put_fs_long(fd[0],0+fildes); put_fs_long(fd[1],1+fildes); return 0; }