/* * linux/fs/proc/array.c * * Copyright (C) 1992 by Linus Torvalds * based on ideas by Darren Senn * * Fixes: * Michael. K. Johnson: stat,statm extensions. * * * Pauline Middelink : Made cmdline,envline only break at '\0's, to * make sure SET_PROCTITLE works. Also removed * bad '!' which forced address recalculation for * EVERY character on the current page. * * * Danny ter Haar : Some minor additions for cpuinfo * * * Alessandro Rubini : profile extension. * * * Jeff Tranter : added BogoMips field to cpuinfo * * * Bruno Haible : remove 4K limit for the maps file * */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define LOAD_INT(x) ((x) >> FSHIFT) #define LOAD_FRAC(x) LOAD_INT(((x) & (FIXED_1-1)) * 100) #ifdef CONFIG_DEBUG_MALLOC int get_malloc(char * buffer); #endif static int read_core(struct inode * inode, struct file * file,char * buf, int count) { unsigned long p = file->f_pos; int read; int count1; char * pnt; struct user dump; memset(&dump, 0, sizeof(struct user)); dump.magic = CMAGIC; dump.u_dsize = high_memory >> 12; if (count < 0) return -EINVAL; if (p >= high_memory + PAGE_SIZE) return 0; if (count > high_memory + PAGE_SIZE - p) count = high_memory + PAGE_SIZE - p; read = 0; if (p < sizeof(struct user) && count > 0) { count1 = count; if (p + count1 > sizeof(struct user)) count1 = sizeof(struct user)-p; pnt = (char *) &dump + p; memcpy_tofs(buf,(void *) pnt, count1); buf += count1; p += count1; count -= count1; read += count1; } while (p < 2*PAGE_SIZE && count > 0) { put_fs_byte(0,buf); buf++; p++; count--; read++; } memcpy_tofs(buf,(void *) (p - PAGE_SIZE),count); read += count; file->f_pos += read; return read; } static struct file_operations proc_kcore_operations = { NULL, /* lseek */ read_core, }; struct inode_operations proc_kcore_inode_operations = { &proc_kcore_operations, }; #ifdef CONFIG_PROFILE extern unsigned long prof_len; extern unsigned long * prof_buffer; /* * This function accesses profiling information. The returned data is * binary: the sampling step and the actual contents of the profile * buffer. Use of the program readprofile is recommended in order to * get meaningful info out of these data. */ static int read_profile(struct inode *inode, struct file *file, char *buf, int count) { unsigned long p = file->f_pos; int read; char * pnt; unsigned long sample_step = 1 << CONFIG_PROFILE_SHIFT; if (count < 0) return -EINVAL; if (p >= (prof_len+1)*sizeof(unsigned long)) return 0; if (count > (prof_len+1)*sizeof(unsigned long) - p) count = (prof_len+1)*sizeof(unsigned long) - p; read = 0; while (p < sizeof(unsigned long) && count > 0) { put_fs_byte(*((char *)(&sample_step)+p),buf); buf++; p++; count--; read++; } pnt = (char *)prof_buffer + p - sizeof(unsigned long); memcpy_tofs(buf,(void *)pnt,count); read += count; file->f_pos += read; return read; } /* Writing to /proc/profile resets the counters */ static int write_profile(struct inode * inode, struct file * file, char * buf, int count) { int i=prof_len; while (i--) prof_buffer[i]=0UL; return count; } static struct file_operations proc_profile_operations = { NULL, /* lseek */ read_profile, write_profile, }; struct inode_operations proc_profile_inode_operations = { &proc_profile_operations, }; #endif /* CONFIG_PROFILE */ static int get_loadavg(char * buffer) { int a, b, c; a = avenrun[0] + (FIXED_1/200); b = avenrun[1] + (FIXED_1/200); c = avenrun[2] + (FIXED_1/200); return sprintf(buffer,"%d.%02d %d.%02d %d.%02d %d/%d\n", LOAD_INT(a), LOAD_FRAC(a), LOAD_INT(b), LOAD_FRAC(b), LOAD_INT(c), LOAD_FRAC(c), nr_running, nr_tasks); } static int get_kstat(char * buffer) { int i, len; unsigned sum = 0; for (i = 0 ; i < 16 ; i++) sum += kstat.interrupts[i]; len = sprintf(buffer, "cpu %u %u %u %lu\n" "disk %u %u %u %u\n" "page %u %u\n" "swap %u %u\n" "intr %u", kstat.cpu_user, kstat.cpu_nice, kstat.cpu_system, jiffies - (kstat.cpu_user + kstat.cpu_nice + kstat.cpu_system), kstat.dk_drive[0], kstat.dk_drive[1], kstat.dk_drive[2], kstat.dk_drive[3], kstat.pgpgin, kstat.pgpgout, kstat.pswpin, kstat.pswpout, sum); for (i = 0 ; i < 16 ; i++) len += sprintf(buffer + len, " %u", kstat.interrupts[i]); len += sprintf(buffer + len, "\nctxt %u\n" "btime %lu\n", kstat.context_swtch, xtime.tv_sec - jiffies / HZ); return len; } static int get_uptime(char * buffer) { unsigned long uptime; unsigned long idle; uptime = jiffies; idle = task[0]->utime + task[0]->stime; /* The formula for the fraction parts really is ((t * 100) / HZ) % 100, but that would overflow about every five days at HZ == 100. Therefore the identity a = (a / b) * b + a % b is used so that it is calculated as (((t / HZ) * 100) + ((t % HZ) * 100) / HZ) % 100. The part in front of the '+' always evaluates as 0 (mod 100). All divisions in the above formulas are truncating. For HZ being a power of 10, the calculations simplify to the version in the #else part (if the printf format is adapted to the same number of digits as zeroes in HZ. */ #if HZ!=100 return sprintf(buffer,"%lu.%02lu %lu.%02lu\n", uptime / HZ, (((uptime % HZ) * 100) / HZ) % 100, idle / HZ, (((idle % HZ) * 100) / HZ) % 100); #else return sprintf(buffer,"%lu.%02lu %lu.%02lu\n", uptime / HZ, uptime % HZ, idle / HZ, idle % HZ); #endif } static int get_meminfo(char * buffer) { struct sysinfo i; si_meminfo(&i); si_swapinfo(&i); return sprintf(buffer, " total: used: free: shared: buffers:\n" "Mem: %8lu %8lu %8lu %8lu %8lu\n" "Swap: %8lu %8lu %8lu\n", i.totalram, i.totalram-i.freeram, i.freeram, i.sharedram, i.bufferram, i.totalswap, i.totalswap-i.freeswap, i.freeswap); } static int get_version(char * buffer) { extern char *linux_banner; strcpy(buffer, linux_banner); return strlen(buffer); } static int get_cpuinfo(char * buffer) { #ifdef __i386__ char *model[3][16]={ { "0","DX","SX","DX/2","4","SX/2", "6","DX/2-WB","DX/4","DX/4-WB", "10","11","12","13","Am5x86-WT","Am5x86-WB" }, { "AMD K5", "Pentium 60/66","Pentium 75+", "OverDrive PODP5V83" }, { "PentiumPro (stepping A)", "PentiumPro"} }; char mask[2]; mask[0] = x86_mask+'@'; mask[1] = '\0'; return sprintf(buffer,"cpu\t\t: %c86\n" "model\t\t: %s\n" "mask\t\t: %s\n" "vid\t\t: %s\n" "fdiv_bug\t: %s\n" "math\t\t: %s\n" "hlt\t\t: %s\n" "wp\t\t: %s\n" "Integrated NPU\t: %s\n" "Enhanced VM86\t: %s\n" "IO Breakpoints\t: %s\n" "4MB Pages\t: %s\n" "TS Counters\t: %s\n" "Pentium MSR\t: %s\n" "Mach. Ch. Exep.\t: %s\n" "CMPXCHGB8B\t: %s\n" "BogoMips\t: %lu.%02lu\n", x86+'0', model[x86-4][(unsigned int)x86_model], x86_mask ? mask : "Unknown", x86_vendor_id, fdiv_bug ? "yes" : "no", hard_math ? "yes" : "no", hlt_works_ok ? "yes" : "no", wp_works_ok ? "yes" : "no", x86_capability & 1 ? "yes" : "no", x86_capability & 2 ? "yes" : "no", x86_capability & 4 ? "yes" : "no", x86_capability & 8 ? "yes" : "no", x86_capability & 16 ? "yes" : "no", x86_capability & 32 ? "yes" : "no", x86_capability & 128 ? "yes" : "no", x86_capability & 256 ? "yes" : "no", loops_per_sec/500000, (loops_per_sec/5000) % 100 ); #else return 0; #endif } static struct task_struct ** get_task(pid_t pid) { struct task_struct ** p; p = task; while (++p < task+NR_TASKS) { if (*p && (*p)->pid == pid) return p; } return NULL; } static unsigned long get_phys_addr(struct task_struct * p, unsigned long ptr) { pgd_t *page_dir; pmd_t *page_middle; pte_t pte; if (!p || ptr >= TASK_SIZE) return 0; page_dir = pgd_offset(p,ptr); if (pgd_none(*page_dir)) return 0; if (pgd_bad(*page_dir)) { printk("bad page directory entry %08lx\n", pgd_val(*page_dir)); pgd_clear(page_dir); return 0; } page_middle = pmd_offset(page_dir,ptr); if (pmd_none(*page_middle)) return 0; if (pmd_bad(*page_middle)) { printk("bad page middle entry %08lx\n", pmd_val(*page_middle)); pmd_clear(page_middle); return 0; } pte = *pte_offset(page_middle,ptr); if (!pte_present(pte)) return 0; return pte_page(pte) + (ptr & ~PAGE_MASK); } static int get_array(struct task_struct ** p, unsigned long start, unsigned long end, char * buffer) { unsigned long addr; int size = 0, result = 0; char c; if (start >= end) return result; for (;;) { addr = get_phys_addr(*p, start); if (!addr) goto ready; do { c = *(char *) addr; if (!c) result = size; if (size < PAGE_SIZE) buffer[size++] = c; else goto ready; addr++; start++; if (!c && start >= end) goto ready; } while (addr & ~PAGE_MASK); } ready: /* remove the trailing blanks, used to fill out argv,envp space */ while (result>0 && buffer[result-1]==' ') result--; return result; } static int get_env(int pid, char * buffer) { struct task_struct ** p = get_task(pid); if (!p || !*p) return 0; return get_array(p, (*p)->mm->env_start, (*p)->mm->env_end, buffer); } static int get_arg(int pid, char * buffer) { struct task_struct ** p = get_task(pid); if (!p || !*p) return 0; return get_array(p, (*p)->mm->arg_start, (*p)->mm->arg_end, buffer); } static unsigned long get_wchan(struct task_struct *p) { #ifdef __i386__ unsigned long ebp, eip; unsigned long stack_page; int count = 0; if (!p || p == current || p->state == TASK_RUNNING) return 0; stack_page = p->kernel_stack_page; if (!stack_page) return 0; ebp = p->tss.ebp; do { if (ebp < stack_page || ebp >= 4092+stack_page) return 0; eip = *(unsigned long *) (ebp+4); if ((void *)eip != sleep_on && (void *)eip != interruptible_sleep_on) return eip; ebp = *(unsigned long *) ebp; } while (count++ < 16); #endif return 0; } #define KSTK_EIP(stack) (((unsigned long *)stack)[1019]) #define KSTK_ESP(stack) (((unsigned long *)stack)[1022]) static int get_stat(int pid, char * buffer) { struct task_struct ** p = get_task(pid); unsigned long sigignore=0, sigcatch=0, bit=1, wchan; unsigned long vsize, eip, esp; int i,tty_pgrp; char state; if (!p || !*p) return 0; if ((*p)->state < 0 || (*p)->state > 5) state = '.'; else state = "RSDZTD"[(*p)->state]; eip = esp = 0; vsize = (*p)->kernel_stack_page; if (vsize) { eip = KSTK_EIP(vsize); esp = KSTK_ESP(vsize); vsize = (*p)->mm->brk - (*p)->mm->start_code + PAGE_SIZE-1; if (esp) vsize += TASK_SIZE - esp; } wchan = get_wchan(*p); for(i=0; i<32; ++i) { switch((unsigned long) (*p)->sigaction[i].sa_handler) { case 1: sigignore |= bit; break; case 0: break; default: sigcatch |= bit; } bit <<= 1; } if ((*p)->tty) tty_pgrp = (*p)->tty->pgrp; else tty_pgrp = -1; return sprintf(buffer,"%d (%s) %c %d %d %d %d %d %lu %lu \ %lu %lu %lu %ld %ld %ld %ld %ld %ld %lu %lu %ld %lu %lu %lu %lu %lu %lu %lu %lu %lu \ %lu %lu %lu %lu\n", pid, (*p)->comm, state, (*p)->p_pptr->pid, (*p)->pgrp, (*p)->session, (*p)->tty ? (*p)->tty->device : 0, tty_pgrp, (*p)->flags, (*p)->mm->min_flt, (*p)->mm->cmin_flt, (*p)->mm->maj_flt, (*p)->mm->cmaj_flt, (*p)->utime, (*p)->stime, (*p)->cutime, (*p)->cstime, (*p)->counter, /* this is the kernel priority --- subtract 30 in your user-level program. */ (*p)->priority, /* this is the nice value --- subtract 15 in your user-level program. */ (*p)->timeout, (*p)->it_real_value, (*p)->start_time, vsize, (*p)->mm->rss, /* you might want to shift this left 3 */ (*p)->rlim[RLIMIT_RSS].rlim_cur, (*p)->mm->start_code, (*p)->mm->end_code, (*p)->mm->start_stack, esp, eip, (*p)->signal, (*p)->blocked, sigignore, sigcatch, wchan); } static inline void statm_pte_range(pmd_t * pmd, unsigned long address, unsigned long size, int * pages, int * shared, int * dirty, int * total) { pte_t * pte; unsigned long end; if (pmd_none(*pmd)) return; if (pmd_bad(*pmd)) { printk("statm_pte_range: bad pmd (%08lx)\n", pmd_val(*pmd)); pmd_clear(pmd); return; } pte = pte_offset(pmd, address); address &= ~PMD_MASK; end = address + size; if (end > PMD_SIZE) end = PMD_SIZE; do { pte_t page = *pte; address += PAGE_SIZE; pte++; if (pte_none(page)) continue; ++*total; if (!pte_present(page)) continue; ++*pages; if (pte_dirty(page)) ++*dirty; if (pte_page(page) >= high_memory) continue; if (mem_map[MAP_NR(pte_page(page))] > 1) ++*shared; } while (address < end); } static inline void statm_pmd_range(pgd_t * pgd, unsigned long address, unsigned long size, int * pages, int * shared, int * dirty, int * total) { pmd_t * pmd; unsigned long end; if (pgd_none(*pgd)) return; if (pgd_bad(*pgd)) { printk("statm_pmd_range: bad pgd (%08lx)\n", pgd_val(*pgd)); pgd_clear(pgd); return; } pmd = pmd_offset(pgd, address); address &= ~PGDIR_MASK; end = address + size; if (end > PGDIR_SIZE) end = PGDIR_SIZE; do { statm_pte_range(pmd, address, end - address, pages, shared, dirty, total); address = (address + PMD_SIZE) & PMD_MASK; pmd++; } while (address < end); } static void statm_pgd_range(pgd_t * pgd, unsigned long address, unsigned long end, int * pages, int * shared, int * dirty, int * total) { while (address < end) { statm_pmd_range(pgd, address, end - address, pages, shared, dirty, total); address = (address + PGDIR_SIZE) & PGDIR_MASK; pgd++; } } static int get_statm(int pid, char * buffer) { struct task_struct ** p = get_task(pid); int size=0, resident=0, share=0, trs=0, lrs=0, drs=0, dt=0; if (!p || !*p) return 0; if ((*p)->state != TASK_ZOMBIE) { struct vm_area_struct * vma = (*p)->mm->mmap; while (vma) { pgd_t *pgd = pgd_offset(*p, vma->vm_start); int pages = 0, shared = 0, dirty = 0, total = 0; statm_pgd_range(pgd, vma->vm_start, vma->vm_end, &pages, &shared, &dirty, &total); resident += pages; share += shared; dt += dirty; size += total; if (vma->vm_flags & VM_EXECUTABLE) trs += pages; /* text */ else if (vma->vm_flags & VM_GROWSDOWN) drs += pages; /* stack */ else if (vma->vm_end > 0x60000000) lrs += pages; /* library */ else drs += pages; vma = vma->vm_next; } } return sprintf(buffer,"%d %d %d %d %d %d %d\n", size, resident, share, trs, lrs, drs, dt); } /* * The way we support synthetic files > 4K * - without storing their contents in some buffer and * - without walking through the entire synthetic file until we reach the * position of the requested data * is to cleverly encode the current position in the file's f_pos field. * There is no requirement that a read() call which returns `count' bytes * of data increases f_pos by exactly `count'. * * This idea is Linus' one. Bruno implemented it. */ /* * For the /proc//maps file, we use fixed length records, each containing * a single line. */ #define MAPS_LINE_LENGTH 1024 #define MAPS_LINE_SHIFT 10 /* * f_pos = (number of the vma in the task->mm->mmap list) * MAPS_LINE_LENGTH * + (index into the line) */ #define MAPS_LINE_FORMAT "%08lx-%08lx %s %08lx %02x:%02x %lu\n" #define MAPS_LINE_MAX 49 /* sum of 8 1 8 1 4 1 8 1 2 1 2 1 10 1 */ static int read_maps (int pid, struct file * file, char * buf, int count) { struct task_struct ** p = get_task(pid); char * destptr; loff_t lineno; int column; struct vm_area_struct * map; int i; if (!p || !*p) return -EINVAL; if (count == 0) return 0; /* decode f_pos */ lineno = file->f_pos >> MAPS_LINE_SHIFT; column = file->f_pos & (MAPS_LINE_LENGTH-1); /* quickly go to line lineno */ for (map = (*p)->mm->mmap, i = 0; map && (i < lineno); map = map->vm_next, i++) continue; destptr = buf; for ( ; map ; ) { /* produce the next line */ char line[MAPS_LINE_MAX+1]; char str[5], *cp = str; int flags; dev_t dev; unsigned long ino; int len; flags = map->vm_flags; *cp++ = flags & VM_READ ? 'r' : '-'; *cp++ = flags & VM_WRITE ? 'w' : '-'; *cp++ = flags & VM_EXEC ? 'x' : '-'; *cp++ = flags & VM_MAYSHARE ? 's' : 'p'; *cp++ = 0; if (map->vm_inode != NULL) { dev = map->vm_inode->i_dev; ino = map->vm_inode->i_ino; } else { dev = 0; ino = 0; } len = sprintf(line, MAPS_LINE_FORMAT, map->vm_start, map->vm_end, str, map->vm_offset, MAJOR(dev),MINOR(dev), ino); if (column >= len) { column = 0; /* continue with next line at column 0 */ lineno++; map = map->vm_next; continue; } i = len-column; if (i > count) i = count; memcpy_tofs(destptr, line+column, i); destptr += i; count -= i; column += i; if (column >= len) { column = 0; /* next time: next line at column 0 */ lineno++; map = map->vm_next; } /* done? */ if (count == 0) break; /* By writing to user space, we might have slept. * Stop the loop, to avoid a race condition. */ if (*p != current) break; } /* encode f_pos */ file->f_pos = (lineno << MAPS_LINE_SHIFT) + column; return destptr-buf; } extern int get_module_list(char *); extern int get_device_list(char *); extern int get_filesystem_list(char *); extern int get_ksyms_list(char *); extern int get_irq_list(char *); extern int get_dma_list(char *); extern int get_cpuinfo(char *); extern int get_pci_list(char*); static int get_root_array(char * page, int type) { switch (type) { case PROC_LOADAVG: return get_loadavg(page); case PROC_UPTIME: return get_uptime(page); case PROC_MEMINFO: return get_meminfo(page); #ifdef CONFIG_PCI case PROC_PCI: return get_pci_list(page); #endif case PROC_CPUINFO: return get_cpuinfo(page); case PROC_VERSION: return get_version(page); #ifdef CONFIG_DEBUG_MALLOC case PROC_MALLOC: return get_malloc(page); #endif case PROC_MODULES: return get_module_list(page); case PROC_STAT: return get_kstat(page); case PROC_DEVICES: return get_device_list(page); case PROC_INTERRUPTS: return get_irq_list(page); case PROC_FILESYSTEMS: return get_filesystem_list(page); case PROC_KSYMS: return get_ksyms_list(page); case PROC_DMA: return get_dma_list(page); case PROC_IOPORTS: return get_ioport_list(page); } return -EBADF; } static int get_process_array(char * page, int pid, int type) { switch (type) { case PROC_PID_ENVIRON: return get_env(pid, page); case PROC_PID_CMDLINE: return get_arg(pid, page); case PROC_PID_STAT: return get_stat(pid, page); case PROC_PID_STATM: return get_statm(pid, page); } return -EBADF; } static inline int fill_array(char * page, int pid, int type) { if (pid) return get_process_array(page, pid, type); return get_root_array(page, type); } static int array_read(struct inode * inode, struct file * file,char * buf, int count) { unsigned long page; int length; int end; unsigned int type, pid; if (count < 0) return -EINVAL; if (!(page = __get_free_page(GFP_KERNEL))) return -ENOMEM; type = inode->i_ino; pid = type >> 16; type &= 0x0000ffff; length = fill_array((char *) page, pid, type); if (length < 0) { free_page(page); return length; } if (file->f_pos >= length) { free_page(page); return 0; } if (count + file->f_pos > length) count = length - file->f_pos; end = count + file->f_pos; memcpy_tofs(buf, (char *) page + file->f_pos, count); free_page(page); file->f_pos = end; return count; } static struct file_operations proc_array_operations = { NULL, /* array_lseek */ array_read, NULL, /* array_write */ NULL, /* array_readdir */ NULL, /* array_select */ NULL, /* array_ioctl */ NULL, /* mmap */ NULL, /* no special open code */ NULL, /* no special release code */ NULL /* can't fsync */ }; struct inode_operations proc_array_inode_operations = { &proc_array_operations, /* default base directory file-ops */ NULL, /* create */ NULL, /* lookup */ NULL, /* link */ NULL, /* unlink */ NULL, /* symlink */ NULL, /* mkdir */ NULL, /* rmdir */ NULL, /* mknod */ NULL, /* rename */ NULL, /* readlink */ NULL, /* follow_link */ NULL, /* bmap */ NULL, /* truncate */ NULL /* permission */ }; static int arraylong_read (struct inode * inode, struct file * file, char * buf, int count) { unsigned int pid = inode->i_ino >> 16; unsigned int type = inode->i_ino & 0x0000ffff; if (count < 0) return -EINVAL; switch (type) { case PROC_PID_MAPS: return read_maps(pid, file, buf, count); } return -EINVAL; } static struct file_operations proc_arraylong_operations = { NULL, /* array_lseek */ arraylong_read, NULL, /* array_write */ NULL, /* array_readdir */ NULL, /* array_select */ NULL, /* array_ioctl */ NULL, /* mmap */ NULL, /* no special open code */ NULL, /* no special release code */ NULL /* can't fsync */ }; struct inode_operations proc_arraylong_inode_operations = { &proc_arraylong_operations, /* default base directory file-ops */ NULL, /* create */ NULL, /* lookup */ NULL, /* link */ NULL, /* unlink */ NULL, /* symlink */ NULL, /* mkdir */ NULL, /* rmdir */ NULL, /* mknod */ NULL, /* rename */ NULL, /* readlink */ NULL, /* follow_link */ NULL, /* bmap */ NULL, /* truncate */ NULL /* permission */ };