% ndialog helpfile format % Jessica L. Parsons Wed Jan 16 10:12:23 PST 2008 #Ndialog helpfiles Help files are a _severely_ restricted subset of html that contains the tags listed below. The html parser in [ndialog](index.html) does not understand style sheets, and will most likely roll over sobbing if confronted with XHTML, but simple web pages will most likely format correctly within ndialog. > The html parser that ndialog uses to handle helpfiles > is currently _not even slightly_ flexible. Any misplaced tag > will lead to your rendered help document looking very bizarre. One > things to look out for are to make certain that all `

` and > `

` tags are matched and don't nest funnily. =``= You encase a helpfile with this and `` =``= Like a web page, header information, like `META` and `TITLE`, goes in this section. =``= The titlebar for the display window comes from this section. =`<H`_x_`>`= Various types of headers. For the text helpfile driver, headers `H1` and `H2` are boldface uppercase, `H3` and `H4` are boldface, and the rest are simply as is. =`<BLOCKQUOTE>`= Indented 4 spaces, width 8 spaces narrower. =`<P>`= A paragraph. You can use `ALIGN=LEFT`, `ALIGN=RIGHT`, or `ALIGN=CENTER` to line it up the way you want. =`<CENTER>`= A shortcut for `<P ALIGN=CENTER>` =`<A>`= The traditional navigation tag. The helpfile driver **does not** understand the `html:` and `ftp:` protocols, just the `file:` one. =`<BR>`= put in a linebreak. =`<PRE>`= Do preformatted text. =`<DL>`= A html definition list, with items introduced with = and item descriptions introduced with =`<HR>`= Horizontal rules. `WIDTH=` is supported, though only percentage widths are supported. =`<B>, <I>, <TT>`= Set the font to bold, italic, or typewriter.