The Second Floor


Looking into the northeast room (which used to be a sitting/television room). This room has pretty softwood floors that you can see around the edge of the carpet. We have redone this room as a library, where we keep about half of our books.

Inside the library, looking northwest towards the fireplace.
Looking into the southwest room (the window behind the keyboard is actually a door with a really long first step.

Inside the southwest room, looking northeast into the hall. The railing you see is by the stairs going down to the first floor.


A much closer look at the railing by the stairs going down to the first floor. You are looking south, and the stairs to the west go up to the attic.


Looking into the southwest room; this room is carpeted, and will need a little bit of attention (note the romantic exposed light bulb hanging down in the middle of the room.)


And this is the bathroom, just west of the central hall. The furnishings in this room apparently date from the 1950s, after a remodelling job done just after the second world war.

Looking northwest into the master bedroom.

A door on the west wall of the master bedroom leads to a little sunporch that was apparently, umm, revised in the 1960s or 1970s. It is panelled in board and batten siding, and everything that wasn’t panelled was painted a lovely avocado green. And, for that final touch of hipness, it’s got a little sink on the south wall so you can lock youself into the bedroom and wash dishes. Look carefully at this gem, because it’s going under the axe.

But the porch isn’t a total waste. When you look north, it’s actually kind of nice.