Sim 2.3

Robert M Supnik has written a family of emulators for various machines, including the one true processor. DEC made them available on their ftp site for a while, but they weren’t there the last time I checked in 2002 (and the company is gone, so nothing survives.)

=Sources= These are the sources for the PDP-11 emulator, as well as sources for a PDP-8 emulator, a PDP-1 emulator, a Data General Nova emulator, and an IBM 1401 emulator.

=Patches= Some patches for the PDP-11 simulator

The following archives contain disk images for various operating systems that run on these machines. The commentary about each of the operating systems is lifted verbatim from simh_doc.txt:


UNIX® was first developed on the PDP-7; its first widespread usage was on the PDP-11. UNIX® provides a program development and execution environment for assembler and C programs. UNIX® V5, V7, V7 for the PDP-11 is provided under license, as is, without fee, by Santa Cruz Organization (SCO), for non-commercial use only. Please read the enclosed license agreement for full terms and conditions. This license must be reproduced with any copy of the UNIX® V5, V6, V7 disk images. My thanks to PUPS, the PDP-11 UNIX® Preservation Society of Australia, which provided the disk images, and to SCO, which provided the license.


RT-11 : RT-11 is the PDP-11’s single user operating system. It provides a program development and execution environment for assembler, BASIC, and FORTRAN programs. RT-11 is provided under license, as is, without fee, by Mentec Corporation, for non-commercial use ONLY ON THIS SIMULATOR. Please read the enclosed license agreement for full terms and conditions. This license agreement must be reproduced with any copy of the RT-11 disk image. My thanks to John Wilson, a private collector, who provided the disk image, and to Mentec Corporation, which provided the license.

Nova RDOS : RDOS is the Nova’s real-time mass storage operating system. It provides a program development and execution environment for assembler, BASIC, and FORTRAN programs. RDOS is provided under license, as is, without fee, by Data General Corporation, for non-commercial use only. Please read the enclosed license agreement for full terms and conditions. This license agreement must be reproduced with any copy of the RDOS disk image. My thanks to Carl Friend, a private collector, who provided the disk image, and to Data General Corporation, which provided the license.

ESIX : ESI-X is an interactive program for technical computation. It can execute both immediate commands and stored programs (like BASIC). ESI-X is provided as both source and as a binary loader format paper-tape image. For more information see the documentation included with the program. My thanks to Dave Waks, who wrote the program, and to Paul Pierce and Tim Litt, who recovered the source from its archival medium.

OS/8 for the PDP-8 : OS/8 is the PDP-8’s mass storage-based operating system. It provides a program development and execution environment for assembler, BASIC, and FORTRAN programs. OS/8 is provided under license, as is, without fee, by Digital Equipment Corporation, for non-commercial use only. Please read the enclosed license agreement for full terms and conditions. This license agreement must be reproduced with any copy of the OS/8 disk images. My thanks to Doug Jones of the University of Iowa, who provided the disk images, and to Digital Equipment Corporation, which provided the license.

LISP for the PDP-1 : PDP-1 LISP is an interactive interpreter for the Lisp language. It can execute both interactive commands and stored programs. The startup instructions for LISP are complicated; see the documentation included with the program for details. My thanks to Peter Deutsch, who wrote the program, to Gordon Greene, who typed it in from a printed listing, and to Paul McJones, who helped with the final debug process.

SIM8; a PDP-8 simulator for the PDP-7 : PDP-7 SIM8 is a PDP-8 simulator for the PDP-7. It implements an 8K PDP-8/I with keyboard, teleprinter, reader, punch, and line printer. It provides an interactive console environment for control and debug of the simulated PDP-8. For more information see the documentation included with the program. My thanks to Dave Waks, who wrote the program, and to Paul Pierce and Tim Litt, who recovered the source from its archival medium.